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All packages expire after 18 months and can be used for 1 year after that at a half purchased value. After 30 months, the value become zero.

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Under-Eye Package

Reduces dark circles, crepiness and undereye hollows.

Thermi Smooth RF Eye x 4
Under-eye PRF injections x 2
Eye Resty/Juv/Belotero
Eye Botox

PRICE: $1,886

Liquid Face Lift Package

Gives volume, lifts and reduces wrinkles on the face.

Liquid Face Lift with Filler x 3

60U Neurotoxin

PRICE: $2,800

Ask us about our Sculptra and Hyperdilute Radiesse Packages!

Kybella Package

Reduces fat pads of the chin, arms, jowls, and buccal fat.

6 vials for $2,400

8 vials for $2,800

IPL and Laser Genesis

Improves fine lines and wrinkles, tightens skin, reduces acne scarring, pigmentation, and stretch marks, and promotes collagen and elastin production.

IPL and Laser Genesis  x 4

PRICE: $1,500

Ask us about our Chemical Peel Packages!

Hair Restoration Package

Promotes hair growth to an area on the head that may be balding.

Hair restoration x 6

PRICE: $2,700

Ask about our Vampire Facials and PRF/PRP Injections! We are excited to introduce Exosomes and Stem Cell Therapy!

CoolSculpting Package

The procedure freezes and kills fat cells in the part of your body that you’re having treated.
Within a few weeks of treatment, your body breaks down these dead fat cells and flushes them out.

Coolsculpting x 10

PRICE: $3,500

ThermiSmooth Skin Tightening Package

Firms the skin resulting in a smoother, plumper appearance with reduced lines and wrinkles.

Lower face and neck:
1 treatment for $500
2 treatments for $450
4 treatments for $400

a woman's body with a flower


Do you suffer from urinary leakage when you sneeze, jump, or laugh?
THERMIva™ is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment designed to rejuvenate and restore the vaginal area.
Let us help you with ThermiVa!

1 treatment for $800
3 treatments for $1800


Reduces signs of aging by improving fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a flawless complexion.

Buy 3 or more areas of the face and get additional discounts!

Buy 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 units! buy more at discounted price and bank!

Lip Filler

Restores lip volume, lifts and reshapes lips, and adds definition to the lips without any downtime.

We Have A Choice Of Variety Of Fillers And Techniques Starting At $774!

Laser Hair Removal

Get rid of unwanted hair on all parts of the body.

Price starts at:
$150 for small area
$350 for medium area
$550 for large area

Cheek, Jawline and Chin Fillers

Tightens skin which gives a more defined cheek, jawline, and chin, resulting in an enhanced face and balanced profile.

We Have A Collection Of Cheek, Jawline And Chin Fillers Starting At $774.

Buy Multiple Injections, Get More Discounts!

Potenza RF Microneedling

New RF technology that treats more tissue in one treatment without damaging the epidermis.
Potenza precisely removes blemishes from the skin.

Clarity II for Skin Pigmentation

This treats skin pigmentation, freckles, melasma, vascular lesions, and uneven skin tone by targeting excess production of melanin. This is the only machine that offers real-time temperature sensing for broader coverage of treatment endpoints.

Clarity II for Laser Hair Removal

Treats all skin hair types by targeting hair follicles in the shortest period of time. Clarity II is the only device with more effectiveness, more speed, and easy versatility to remove unwanted hair. With its higher power, it offers faster and more complete coverage resulting to optimal results in just a few sessions.

Price starts at:
$150 for small area
$350 for medium area
$550 for large area

IV Therapy

Vitamins and minerals are given straight to your bloodstream using IV infusion for faster absorption. This strengthens your immune system and even lifts your mood.

Weight Loss Injection

It works by suppressing your appetite to decrease hunger, leading to weight reduction. This also helps to lower sugar level in the body.

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